API Reference

This guide will explain you all the criteria we check when we evaluate the quality of an integration with our system.

Some of the criteria are mandatory, and your integration will not be released to production before validating all the requirements.

Any integration

Merchant authentication and configuration

AuthenticationThe merchant can initiate Oauth connexion in autonomy from your platformRequired
ConfigurationThe merchant's locations are synchronized with Pongo locations to associate the right location in the order payloadRequired

Order sent to Pongo

OrderThe order is sent to Pongo as soon as the payment is successfully made, and the order is closed.Required
OrderThe order includes the Pongo store's slug related to the merchant's store.Required
OrderThe order includes the customer's phone number and/or customer_public_id.Required
OrderThe order includes the products/items purchased by the customer, and Pongo rewards have the correct public_reward_id and amount.Required (except for payment terminal)

PoS integration

Digital PassPoS operator can scan a QR code to identify the customer based on their public_customer_idRequired only if supported
Digital PassThe PoS verifies whether the QR code presented by the customer exists in the merchant's Pongo database and creates the customer in the cash register's customer database if necessary.Required only in case the customer base is not shared by all the cash registers in the merchant network
EnrolmentPoS operator can register a customer by adding their phone number to the customer profile on the PoSRequired
EnrolmentPoS operator can indicate the opt-in during customer enrolment.Required
Customer ExperiencePoS operator can search for a customer by their phone number and link it to an open orderRequired
Customer ExperiencePoS operator can see the number of loyalty points available on the customer's profile.Required
Customer ExperiencePoS operator can view the rewards of the merchant's loyalty program.Required
Customer ExperiencePoS operator can distinguish between rewards that a customer can buy and those they cannot buy.Required
Customer ExperiencePoS operator can see the rewards already purchased by a customer and available for use.Required
Customer ExperiencePoS operator cannot see the rewards already used by a customer.Required
Customer ExperiencePoS operator can purchase a reward for which the customer has enough points.Required
Reward ManagementPurchased rewards add automatically the product or the discount to the current orderRequired
Reward ManagementThe customer can choose any paid option related to a product / menu offered.
Paid options are not offered to the customer
Customer ExperiencePoS receipt display the loyalty point earned by the customerOptional

🖥️ Kiosk integration

IdentificationThe customer can identify themselves at the kiosk using their phone number.Required
IdentificationThe customer can identify themselves at the kiosk using their QR code.Required
EnrolmentThe customer can sign up for the loyalty program from the kiosk by providing their phone numberRequired
EnrolmentThe customer can indicate the opt-in during enrolment in the loyalty program.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can view the merchant's rewards to encourage them to enroll in the loyalty program.Recommended
Customer ExperienceThe customer can view their loyalty points in the Kiosk interfaceRequired
Customer ExperienceThe customer can view all the rewards in the merchant's loyalty program.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can see their available and usable rewards.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer cannot see the rewards already used.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can clearly distinct rewards they can buy or not.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can purchase a reward with their loyalty points.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can add an available reward to their order.Required
Reward ManagementThe customer can choose any paid option related to a product / menu offered.
Paid options are not offered to the customer
Customer ExperienceThe customer can see the points they will or have earned with their order.Required
Customer ExperienceKiosk receipt display the loyalty point earned by the customerOptional
Customer Experience⚠️ If the payment is done on an external system that does not support Pongo loyalty program and/or rewards, inform the customer their rewards in their order will not be applied. They will have to show the rewards from their phone at the sales personRequired

📲 Order & Pay / Click & Collect integration

IdentificationThe customer can identify themselves on the application using their phone number.Required
EnrolmentThe customer can sign up for the loyalty program on the application by providing their phone numberRequired
EnrolmentThe customer can indicate the opt-in during enrolment in the loyalty program.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can view the merchant's rewards to encourage them to enroll in the loyalty program.Recommended
Customer ExperienceThe customer can view their loyalty points on the application interfaceRequired
Customer ExperienceThe customer can view all the rewards in the merchant's loyalty program.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can see their available and usable rewards.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer cannot see the rewards already used.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can clearly distinct rewards they can buy or not.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can purchase a reward with their loyalty points.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can add an available reward to their order.Required
Reward ManagementThe customer can choose any paid option related to a product / menu offered.
Paid options are not offered to the customer
Customer ExperienceThe customer can see the points they will or have earned with their order.Required
Customer ExperienceApp receipt display the loyalty point earned by the customerOptional
Customer Experience⚠️ If the payment is done on an external system that does not support Pongo loyalty program and/or rewards, inform the customer their rewards in their order will not be applied. They will have to show the rewards from their phone at the sales personRequired

💳 Payment Terminal

Enrolment / IdentificationCustomer can provide their phone number after payment confirmationRequired
EnrolmentCustomer can indicate the opt-in (email and SMS) during enrollment in the loyalty program.Required
Customer ExperienceThe customer can view the points they have earned after sending the order to Pongo.Required
OrderMost of the time, you would be able to use only the POST orders endpoint for payment terminal integration. If so, ensure the opt-in parameters are given in the order payload when the customer come for the first time.Required