API Reference

In this guide, we will explain how our Loyalty Program system works, providing a detailed overview of its key features and functionalities.

With our Loyalty Program, customers have the opportunity to accumulate loyalty points every time they perform valuable actions for a merchant. While the primary action typically involves making purchases of goods or services through an order, Pongo extends the capability to reward customers for various other meaningful interactions, such as providing additional information about themselves.

Our Loyalty Program operates through a systematic point accumulation mechanism. Let's delve into the specifics:

👥 Customers

A customer represents a person who did enlist into a merchant's loyalty program.

Customer enlisting

Customers are always enlisted on a merchant loyalty program with their phone number.

A person enlisted in two different merchants' loyalty programs will have two distinct customer objects in our system.

A person can enlist on the merchant loyalty web application or on any system that integrates with Pongo (Kiosk, Payment system, POS, Ordering application, etc.)

Customer authentication

Customers can redeem their loyalty points by authenticating themselves through different ways:

  • On the tablet at the cashier desk: After the order is received by the Pongo system, we dispatch it on the tablet connected to the POS and prompt Customers to authenticate themselves with their phone number
  • With their phone number on any integration: Customers can enter their phone number on any touchpoint integrated with Pongo (Kiosk, Payment system, POS, Ordering application, etc.) and be authenticated as a member of the loyalty program.
  • With the QR code on the loyalty app: Customers can enlist and access their loyalty program on a web application. They can retrieve a QR Code that can be used to identify themselves at the Kiosk or POS if the system allows it.
  • With the digital pass on their phone: Some merchants might want to use digital pass (Wallet) for their loyalty program. Customers can download it on their phone from their loyalty app. It can be used to identify themselves at the Kiosk or POS if the system allows it.

🪙 Point earning mechanics

Merchants can configure the mechanics of points earning within the Pongo dashboard.

These configurations can be based on:

  • Per check-in (only with our tablet app without integration): Customers earn a fix number of point for each check-in. To prevent fraud, there is a buffer time between each check-in
  • Per order: This means that customers earn a certain number of points for each pass they make. (e.g., One order = X points)
  • Per Amount Spent in each order: Points can also be earned based on the monetary value spent. (e.g., €1 = X points).


The amount of point earned is always rounded down. An order of €13.9 will give 13 points.

Point Expiry: Loyalty points accumulated by customers do not come with an expiration date. Customers can rest assured that their earned points will remain valid indefinitely.

🎁 Rewards

Rewards represents a product or service created by a merchant on their loyalty program.

Reward Redemption

Loyalty program rewards are unlocked through a process we refer to as buying. Customers can redeem these rewards by consuming their loyalty points, effectively burning the points.

Once the reward is redeemed, customers can use it in during their purchase at the cashier or the kiosk and add it.

Types of Rewards

Our Loyalty Program system offers various types of rewards, tailored to suit different customer preferences and merchant strategies:

Product Offered (Default): Customers can receive a free product. This reward type allows merchants to associate a specific product from their system with the reward, linking it to the product's SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). That allows you to add it in your order if you allow the customer to redeem this reward from your interface.

Percentage Voucher Code (Only available for system that supports voucher_code): With this reward, customers receive a voucher code entitling them to a percentage discount on their purchase.

Value Voucher Code (Only available for system that supports voucher_code): Similar to the percentage voucher, this reward provides customers with a voucher code that offers a fixed monetary discount on their order.

Voucher Code for Free Delivery (Only available for system that supports voucher_code): Customers receive a voucher code that allows them to enjoy free delivery on their order.